21 Maret 2008

2.3 Channels and Public Conversations

2.3 Channels and Public Conversations
On IRC, there are a lot of places where you can "hang out"; those places are called 'channels', (most of the information in this section can also be obtained by issuing "/HELP CHANNEL"). You can compare conversations on a channel to a conversation among a group of people: you see/hear everything that is said, and you can reply to anything that's said. What you type is received by everyone who's willing to listen - and everyone who is late will not hear what was said before, unless repeated by one of the ones who were there. (Who said "real life" ?)

All channels on IRC have names: a "#" sign followed by some kind of text-string, like "#C++" or "#Asians" or "#EU-Opers". Usually, the name of the channel will indicate the type of conversation that's going on in there. Don't count on it, though.

Table 6: Channel commands
Keyword Action
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
LIST lists channels, number of users, topic
NAMES shows the nicknames of the users on each channel
JOIN sets your current channel, (same as CHANNEL)
WHO gives a listing of users
INVITE sends an invitation to another user
LEAVE leaves a channel, (same as PART)
KICK gets rid of someone on a channel
TOPIC changes the topic of the channel
ME sends anything about you to a channel or QUERY
DESCRIBE sends anything about you to a person or channel

Every channel has certain characteristics, called channel modes. These will also be explained below. Remember the NAMES and LIST commands; they will show you the names of the existing channels.

/LIST [[] ]

Lists all current "channels", number of users, and topic. The displayed list may be quite long, so you can limit it using flags. "/LIST -MIN n" for instance removes channels with less than 'n' users of the output.

*** #aussies 5
*** #amiga 5 Daily Amiga Silence...join&enjoy
*** #hottub 21 Imagine sky, high above...
*** #tuebingen 11 Happy Borthday CHUCK!!!
*** #Christian 6 Jesus!
*** #Twilight_ 15 The Oper Bar & Grill
*** #initgame 5 More players needed!!!!!!!!!!!!
*** #Taiwan 8 Welcome good friends.
*** #espanol 6 EMERGENCIA SE Necesitan Mujeres!
*** #sherwood 7
*** #francais 6 on apprend le japonais (japanese welcome)

/NAMES [[] ]

Shows the nicknames of all users on each "channel", (these may be very long. Remember to filter them with "-MIN n" or "-MAX n").

Pub: #twilight> Mycroft @sojge scorpio @Troy @Avalon @Nap phone
Merlinus Lumberjak @tzoper
Pub: #espanol Cacique Bonjovi leopardo Carina Miguel Cisco r2
Pub: #amiga @gio @Radix @xterm @mama @AmiBot
Pub: #aussies @Bleve @GrayElf @Insomniac @Morkeleb @titus
Pub: #hottub baby @Aldur KnightOrc @Toasty Gwydion @Belkira
@Aiken Edge @Spockobot @Nada @ZBot @Aurik @anna @RedBaron
@Katzen @esashi IceWolf @Eniigma @Digger @TheHeck

To join in the conversation on a certain channel you may use the JOIN command.

/JOIN []

Sets your current channel to the supplied channel.

/JOIN #Twilight_Zone
*** Nap has joined channel #Twilight_Zone
*** Topic: The Gernsback Continuum
*** Users on #Twilight_Zone: Nap msa tober phone @julia @SirLance
igh @Daemon @Avalon @Waftam @Trillian @tzoper

The CHANNEL command has the same effects. Note that if no parameters are given, your current channel is displayed.

Upon entering a channel, you are given useful details about it: list of users talking in that channel, topic... Joining a channel does not cause you to leave your previous channel unless NOVICE is set to ON. See "/HELP SET NOVICE".

Once in a channel, you may wish to get a detailed list of the people IRCing inside. That's where the WHO command comes in handy:


Gives a listing of users. "/WHO *" for the list of users in your current channel.

/WHO #Twilight_Zone
Channel Nickname S User@Host (Name)
#Twilight_ Nap H* pioch@poly.polytechnique.fr
(Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur)
#Twilight_ msa H msa@tel1.tel.vtt.fi (Markku Savela)
#Twilight_ tober H ircuser@kragar.eff.org (tober)
#Twilight_ phone H mrgreen@munagin.ee.mu.OZ.AU (Third
row seats to the Cure? WHO ME? nah.. *grin*)
#Twilight_ julia G*@ julie@turing.acs.Virginia.EDU
( Future graduate of ACME Looniversity)
#Twilight_ SirLance G*@ lancelot@tdsb-s.mais.hydro.qc.ca
(Sir Lancelot)
#Twilight_ igh G igh@micom1.servers.unsw.EDU.AU (igh)
#Twilight_ Daemon G*@ frechett@spot.Colorado.EDU
(-=Runaway Daemon=-)
#Twilight_ Avalon H*@ avalon@coombs.anu.edu.au (Avalon...)
#Twilight_ Waftam G*@ danielce@munagin.ee.mu.OZ.AU (Daniel
#Twilight_ Trillian G*@ hrose@rocza.eff.org ( I turn to
stone when you are gone )
#Twilight_ tzoper H*@ tzoper@azure.acsu.buffalo.edu (/msg
tzoper help)

The first field is the current channel, then nickname, status, real name (in internet user@host form), and a small witty comment you can set yourself with the environment variable IRCNAME, (this will be detailed in section 2.8). Status indicates if a user is "H"ere or "G"one, (see AWAY), if IRCop ("*"), and/or a channel operator ("@").

It is also possible, when you are already on a channel, to ask someone to join your channel. The command is called INVITE.


Invites another user to a channel. If no channel is specified, your current channel is used.

*** Inviting Nap to channel #Twilight_Zone

If you receive an INVITE message, you can type "/JOIN -INVITE" to join the channel to which you were last invited, or simply "/JOIN ".

To leave a channel, just issue a LEAVE command, (PART has the same effects):


Leave a channel.

/LEAVE #Twilight_Zone
*** Nap has left #Twilight_Zone

Well, you guessed it, if there is a way to invite someone on a channel, there's also the possibility to KICK someone out of it, for example if this person is behaving like a jerk, annoying people or flooding the channel with unwanted information:

/KICK []

Kicks named user off a given channel. Only 'channel operators' are privileged to use this command.

/KICK #Twilight_Zone Target
*** Target has been kicked off channel #Twilight_Zone by Nap

Channels have topics, that indicate the current topic of conversation. You can change this topic on a channel with the TOPIC command.

/TOPIC [[] ]

Changes the topic for the channel.

/TOPIC The silent channel.
*** Nap has changed the topic on channel #EU-Opers to The silent

At times, you may want to send a description of what you are doing or how you are feeling or just anything concerning you to the current channel or query. It is absolutely good style not to forget the period at the end of the sentence!


Tells the current channel or query about what you are doing. You can also use your own nickname as command, i.e. you can type the line with a leading slash.

/ME opens up the fridge.
* Nap opens up the fridge.

/Nap reaches out for the orange juice.
* Nap reaches out for the orange juice.

The same goal can be achieved towards a specific nickname using:

Sends anything concerning you to the or you pass as first argument.

(Note: The look of the result depends on each client version, and might not be exactly the same as in the examples shown here.)

These commands make use of CTCP, a client-to-client protocol crafted to perform specific actions, but not understood by all clients, (more about CTCP in section 2.5). If you get an error message, your description may not have arrived properly.

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