postingan ini hanya ngeping ke postingan yang lain yaitu Aku Cuma Seorang Blogger Yang Cinta Seo - Aku Cuma Seorang Blogger Yang Cinta Seo - Aku Cuma Seorang Blogger Yang Cinta Seo.
4 Januari 2010
2 Januari 2010
Dukung Ridwan Yazid Jadi Bupati Bengkalis 2010-2015
Dukung Ridwan Yazid Jadi Bupati Bengkalis 2010-2015 sebagai bentuk dukungan juga untuk blogger anti login dari ragnarok zero yang sudah lama vakum kini coba ngeblog lagi, selain itu juga saya dukung untuk kontes Festival Museum Nusantara dan Peluang Usaha Ahasu Gnaulep.
Ngomong-ngomong soal kontes, saya jadi tertarik nih ikutan kontes, pengin nyoba juga... hehehe... oya, mengenai artikel Dukung Ridwan Yazid Jadi Bupati Bengkalis 2010-2015 saya kopas dari blog anti login ya. nih...
Mari kita Dukung Ridwan Yazid Jadi Bupati Bengkalis 2010-2015 karena beliau adalah orang asli mandau atau duri, jadi Dukung Ridwan Yazid Jadi Bupati Bengkalis 2010-2015 adalah support dari saya untuk calon bupati bengkalis.
Jadi calon bupati bengkali yang musti anda dukung adalah ridwan yazid, oleh karena itu Dukung Ridwan Yazid Jadi Bupati Bengkalis 2010-2015.
Ngomong-ngomong soal kontes, saya jadi tertarik nih ikutan kontes, pengin nyoba juga... hehehe... oya, mengenai artikel Dukung Ridwan Yazid Jadi Bupati Bengkalis 2010-2015 saya kopas dari blog anti login ya. nih...
Mari kita Dukung Ridwan Yazid Jadi Bupati Bengkalis 2010-2015 karena beliau adalah orang asli mandau atau duri, jadi Dukung Ridwan Yazid Jadi Bupati Bengkalis 2010-2015 adalah support dari saya untuk calon bupati bengkalis.
Dukung Ridwan Yazid Jadi Bupati Bengkalis 2010-2015.
1. Profile & Background
Ridwan yazid adalah putra asli kelahiran mandau, kita semua tahu bahwa mandau adalah wilayah terbesar dalam kemajuan bengkalis. Nah kapan lagi putra asli mandau memimpin?, sekarang saatnya. Bapak Ridwan Yazid adalah seorang bapak atau ayah yang tidak pernah menyerah dalam menafkahi keluarganya, sifat pantang putus asa, jujur, setia dan adil membuat keluarga merasa sangat nyaman dan bangga memiliki ayah seperti bapak Ridwan Yazid.
Sedikit cerita, sekitar beberapa tahun yang lalu...seorang Ridwan Yazid bukanlah siapa-siapa, hidup dengan seorang istri dan 2 orang anak (saat ini memiliki 6 orang anak). Bekerja dari subuh, jam 5 pagi - 8 malam hanya sebagai pekerja keras di sebuah PT. Anda tahu, tidak sedikit orang yang menghina bahkan mencacinya. Tapi kesabaran yang dimilikinya tidak cukup untuk membuatnya gentar!...
Saya masih ingat ketika dia dan salah satu anaknya (saya) berkunjung ke rumah temannya. Saya melihat ada sebuah game, ketika itu adalah nitendo yang sedang dimainkan oleh anak temannya. Saya mencoba game tersebut, dengan mata berkaca-kaca dan sedikit senyum ketika ia mendengar perkataan saya "pa belikann itu". Saya tidak tahu apa yang ia rasakan saat itu (maklum saya masih kecil hahaha), tidak tahu bagaimana keadaan keluarga. Tapi seperti yang saya katakan sebelumnya, "Ia adalah Ayah Yang sangat kami banggakan!", mainan game tersebut sudah terletak rapi beberapa hari setelah saya meminta. Dengan wajah berseri-seri saya langsung mencoba game tersebut setelah pulang sekolah.
Tahun Berganti tahun, hidup berpindah dari sebuah kota ke kota lainnya demi menafkahi keluarga (saat itu bapak ridwan yazid sudah menjadi pegawai negeri biasa). Tidak pernah putus asa dan terus berusaha, keyakinan yang dimilikinya membuat saya salut! (dunia itu berputar, kelak kita akan berada di atas, ALLAH itu maha Adil!, hal ini yang menjadi motto hidup saya sampai saat ini), akhirnya berkat kegigihannya tersebut ia akhirnya menjadi Pemimpin Mandau atau duri. Satu-satunya pemimpin yang mampu membawa angin segar bagi kemajuan wilayah mandau,,,
2. Kinerja
Ketika memimpin Mandau, anda semua melihat dan merasakan kemajuan yang sangat pesat. Salah satunya adalah pembangunan jalan atau perbaikan jalan. Hampir seluruh jalan di duri diperbaiki atau dibuat baru (di aspal). Awal saya datang ke duri, jalanan disana hanya dibalut tanah kuning :D.
Tegas, adil, jujur, apa adanya dan tidak neko-neko adalah sifat yang sangat membuat saya kagum ketika ia memimpin mandau. Tidak ada kasus korupsi alias bersih, ramah kepada seluruh masyarakat dan tampil apa adanya (walau saat itu sudah menjadi camat mandau tapi ia selalu bersifat seperti biasa). Walaupun banyak para penjilat yang mendatanginya (padahal dulu menghina), tapi ia tetap menerimanya dengan lapang hati.
Selalu memerhatikan atau turun langsung ke lapangan. Ketika memimpin, bapak ridwan yazid selalu turun ke lapangan apabila ada suatu planning atau projek ataupun permasalahan, ia juga mempertimbangkan masukan-masukan dari masyarakat lainnya. Tidak sedikit pemimpin yang hanya diam di kantor (alasan sibuk) lalu menyuruh bawahannya untuk memantau, hasilnya tentu saja tidak memuaskan padahal mereka sudah dibayar besar untuk melakukan hal tersebut. Nah hal ini sangat berbeda dengan bapak Ridwan Yazid.
3. Fisi
Apabila anda memepertanyakan apa fisi dari bapak Ridwan yazid?, saya hanya bisa mengatakan "Membawa Bengkalis ke arah yang lebih baik, dari segala bidang"!. Saya tidak bisa berkata banyak, karena saya tahu bagaimana bapak ridwan yazid dalam memimpin (talk less do more).
Anda butuh janji atau bukti?, jika anda percaya janji-janji,,,maka saya sangat menyayangkan hal tersebut. Jika butuh bukti, maka "Ayo Dukung H. A. Ridwan Yazid, S.Sos Jadi "BUPATI BENGKALIS" 2010-2015".
Jadi calon bupati bengkali yang musti anda dukung adalah ridwan yazid, oleh karena itu Dukung Ridwan Yazid Jadi Bupati Bengkalis 2010-2015.
5 Desember 2009
Sumber Daya Professional dan Tanggung Jawab Bagi Pemerintahan Indonesia
Ragnarok Zero juga ikut meramaikan kontes seo Sumber Daya Professional dan Tanggung Jawab Bagi Pemerintahan Indonesia bersama blogger anti login dan tips seo blog / pinky.
Keyword Sumber Daya Professional dan Tanggung Jawab Bagi Pemerintahan Indonesia menjadi andalan utama untuk memenangkan kontes seo berhadiah domain .com setahun ini. jadi mari kita dukung kontes ini. :)
Keyword Sumber Daya Professional dan Tanggung Jawab Bagi Pemerintahan Indonesia menjadi andalan utama untuk memenangkan kontes seo berhadiah domain .com setahun ini. jadi mari kita dukung kontes ini. :)
21 Maret 2008
Writing automatons
2.10 Writing automatons
An automaton, (also called robot or service), is a program that is connected to the IRC network to provide services. Many people try to set that up with a few ircII commands like:
on ^msg "% help" notice $0 This is LameBot 1.0
However, you should know that setting up an automaton using ircII ON facilities is quick and dirty, and should be reserved for robots that rely on ircII specific features such as DCC (file servers for instance). Writing a program in C, perl or any decent programming language should take longer in the beginning, but your efforts will be rewarded. You can download skeletons of such programs on some ftp sites that keep IRC related stuff (check in the Frequently Asked Questions part).
Although most robots-writers believe they have created a "smart thing", 99% of the robots online happen to be a nuisance to the IRC community, because a few simple rules were not respected by their owners. The main idea is that robots should neither be seen nor heard:
1. automatons should be clearly identified as such, having "bot","serv" or "srv" in their nickname.
2. they should use NOTICES to communicate with the rest of the world, and not reply to NOTICES they get.
3. they should be able to always be killed (craziness is a frequent disease among robots).
4. they should be able to be killed remotely by their owner via IRC.
5. they should not give access to their owner's real files, (bandits have already been able to crack people's accounts through their robots).
6. they should not send messages to channels (unless the channel is dedicated to that robot).
7. they should not flood channels with MODE changes. Basically, if you have such a command as:
on -JOIN "Lamer #BotTub" mode #BotTub +o Lamer
then you are wrong. Because this is what you will get:
*** Lamer (clueless@where.the.hell) has joined channel #bottub
*** Mode change "+o Lamer" on channel #bottub by LameBot
*** Mode change "+o Lamer" on channel #bottub by StupidSrv
*** Mode change "+ooo Lamer Lamer Lamer" on channel #bottub by FloodServ
*** Mode change "+o Lamer" on channel #bottub by Dumbbot
And this will get boring very soon, so don't be surprised if such robots get banned from most channels. A good kludge is to wait until someone asks explicitly the robot to be opped on a channel. This could be:
on -MSG "Lamer op me on #BotTub" mode #BotTub +o Lamer
If you don't respect rules 2 and 6 above, this may happen too:
*** TalkBot (clueless@where.the.hell) has joined channel #bottub
Hi TalkBot!
Hello LameBot! How are you?
*** Mode change "+o TalkBot" on channel #bottub by LameBot
Fine thanx.
Thank you for the op, LameBot.
No problem, TalkBot.
*** Signoff: Talkbot ( where.the.hell)
*** TalkBot (clueless@where.the.hell) has joined channel #bottub
*** Mode change "+o TalkBot" on channel #bottub by where.the.hell
*** Mode change "+o LameBot" on channel #bottub by TalkBot
*** Mode change "+o TalkBot" on channel #bottub by LameBot
Thank you for the op, LameBot.
No problem, TalkBot.
See? Remember the golden rule:
A smart bot won't act unless explicitly asked by someone to.
An automaton, (also called robot or service), is a program that is connected to the IRC network to provide services. Many people try to set that up with a few ircII commands like:
on ^msg "% help" notice $0 This is LameBot 1.0
However, you should know that setting up an automaton using ircII ON facilities is quick and dirty, and should be reserved for robots that rely on ircII specific features such as DCC (file servers for instance). Writing a program in C, perl or any decent programming language should take longer in the beginning, but your efforts will be rewarded. You can download skeletons of such programs on some ftp sites that keep IRC related stuff (check in the Frequently Asked Questions part).
Although most robots-writers believe they have created a "smart thing", 99% of the robots online happen to be a nuisance to the IRC community, because a few simple rules were not respected by their owners. The main idea is that robots should neither be seen nor heard:
1. automatons should be clearly identified as such, having "bot","serv" or "srv" in their nickname.
2. they should use NOTICES to communicate with the rest of the world, and not reply to NOTICES they get.
3. they should be able to always be killed (craziness is a frequent disease among robots).
4. they should be able to be killed remotely by their owner via IRC.
5. they should not give access to their owner's real files, (bandits have already been able to crack people's accounts through their robots).
6. they should not send messages to channels (unless the channel is dedicated to that robot).
7. they should not flood channels with MODE changes. Basically, if you have such a command as:
on -JOIN "Lamer #BotTub" mode #BotTub +o Lamer
then you are wrong. Because this is what you will get:
*** Lamer (clueless@where.the.hell) has joined channel #bottub
*** Mode change "+o Lamer" on channel #bottub by LameBot
*** Mode change "+o Lamer" on channel #bottub by StupidSrv
*** Mode change "+ooo Lamer Lamer Lamer" on channel #bottub by FloodServ
*** Mode change "+o Lamer" on channel #bottub by Dumbbot
And this will get boring very soon, so don't be surprised if such robots get banned from most channels. A good kludge is to wait until someone asks explicitly the robot to be opped on a channel. This could be:
on -MSG "Lamer op me on #BotTub" mode #BotTub +o Lamer
If you don't respect rules 2 and 6 above, this may happen too:
*** TalkBot (clueless@where.the.hell) has joined channel #bottub
*** Mode change "+o TalkBot" on channel #bottub by LameBot
*** Signoff: Talkbot ( where.the.hell)
*** TalkBot (clueless@where.the.hell) has joined channel #bottub
*** Mode change "+o TalkBot" on channel #bottub by where.the.hell
*** Mode change "+o LameBot" on channel #bottub by TalkBot
*** Mode change "+o TalkBot" on channel #bottub by LameBot
See? Remember the golden rule:
A smart bot won't act unless explicitly asked by someone to.
2.9 Sample .ircrc
2.9 Sample .ircrc
As a sample, here's part of my .ircrc file. Since ircII2.2, this file can be found in the "script" directory, and loaded with "/load ircprimer"
# Sample .ircrc script, from the IRCprimer v1.1
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# IRCII sample configuration file (~/.ircrc) (Nicolas Pioch)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# The aim of this file is to shorten all useful commands to 1 letter.
set NOVICE off
# Speeds up ircII display 2 times
# Put Hack notices down under
on ^SERVER_NOTICE "\*\*\* Notice -- Hack: *" set status_user Hack: $4-
# Modified killpath script from YeggMan
ALIAS kpath ECHO ### Last received KILL for $nkp.path
@ nkp.path = []
ALIAS nkp.msg ECHO ### $Z -- KILL by $1 for $0 $2-
ALIAS nkp.idx @ FUNCTION_RETURN = RINDEX(! $0) + 1
ALIAS nkp.srv @ FUNCTION_RETURN = INDEX(. $MID($nkp.idx($0) 512 $0))
ON ^SERVER_NOTICE "\*\*\* Notice -- Received KILL*" {
# if (index(. $mid(${rindex(! $11) +1} 512 $11))
IF ( nkp.srv($11) > -1 )
{ nkp.msg $7 $9 }
{ nkp.msg $7 $9 $12- }
@ nkp.path = [$7-]
# Function to strip the less significant part of an internet hostname
# $userdomain(username@host.subdomain.dom) returns username@subdomain.dom
# This eliminates the hostname which may change frequently
alias userdomain {
@ function_return = LEFT($INDEX(@ $0) $0)##[@]##MID(${1+INDEX(. $0)} 99 $0)
# Who is that ?
on ^msg * echo *$0!$userdomain($userhost())* $1-
# /w [] get info on someone
# /q [] query someone
# /m send a message
# /n send a notice
# /r reply to last message I got
# /a followup on my last message
alias w whois
alias q query
alias m msg
alias n notice
alias r msg $,
alias a msg $.
# /j join a channel
# /l list people in a channel
# /ll list in the current channel
# /i [] invite someone
# /hop leave the current channel
alias j join
alias l who
alias ll who *
alias i invite
alias hop part $C
# /o [ ] give channel op status
# /d [ ] remove channel op status
# /k kick someone
# /mo [+|-] change current channel mode
alias o mode $C +ooo
alias d mode $C -ooo
alias k kick $C
alias mo mode $C
# the "wrong person" alias! /oops to resend message to
alias oops {
@ _whoops = [$B]
msg $. Whooops ! Please ignore, that wasn't meant for you.
msg $0 $_whoops
alias unset set -$*
alias unalias alias -$*
alias NickServ msg
alias NoteServ msg
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
As a sample, here's part of my .ircrc file. Since ircII2.2, this file can be found in the "script" directory, and loaded with "/load ircprimer"
# Sample .ircrc script, from the IRCprimer v1.1
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# IRCII sample configuration file (~/.ircrc) (Nicolas Pioch)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# The aim of this file is to shorten all useful commands to 1 letter.
set NOVICE off
# Speeds up ircII display 2 times
# Put Hack notices down under
on ^SERVER_NOTICE "\*\*\* Notice -- Hack: *" set status_user Hack: $4-
# Modified killpath script from YeggMan
ALIAS kpath ECHO ### Last received KILL for $nkp.path
@ nkp.path = []
ALIAS nkp.msg ECHO ### $Z -- KILL by $1 for $0 $2-
ALIAS nkp.idx @ FUNCTION_RETURN = RINDEX(! $0) + 1
ALIAS nkp.srv @ FUNCTION_RETURN = INDEX(. $MID($nkp.idx($0) 512 $0))
ON ^SERVER_NOTICE "\*\*\* Notice -- Received KILL*" {
# if (index(. $mid(${rindex(! $11) +1} 512 $11))
IF ( nkp.srv($11) > -1 )
{ nkp.msg $7 $9 }
{ nkp.msg $7 $9 $12- }
@ nkp.path = [$7-]
# Function to strip the less significant part of an internet hostname
# $userdomain(username@host.subdomain.dom) returns username@subdomain.dom
# This eliminates the hostname which may change frequently
alias userdomain {
@ function_return = LEFT($INDEX(@ $0) $0)##[@]##MID(${1+INDEX(. $0)} 99 $0)
# Who is that ?
on ^msg * echo *$0!$userdomain($userhost())* $1-
# /w [
# /q [
# /m
# /n
# /r
# /a
alias w whois
alias q query
alias m msg
alias n notice
alias r msg $,
alias a msg $.
# /j
# /l
# /ll list in the current channel
# /i
# /hop leave the current channel
alias j join
alias l who
alias ll who *
alias i invite
alias hop part $C
# /o
# /d
# /k
# /mo [+|-]
alias o mode $C +ooo
alias d mode $C -ooo
alias k kick $C
alias mo mode $C
# the "wrong person" alias! /oops
alias oops {
@ _whoops = [$B]
msg $. Whooops ! Please ignore, that wasn't meant for you.
msg $0 $_whoops
alias unset set -$*
alias unalias alias -$*
alias NickServ msg
alias NoteServ msg
# -------------------------------------------------------------------